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Runnable is a comprehensive online running portal highly equipped to help you achieve any goal at any distance. Head coach Alice Hector - a champion runner from 400 metre  sprinting all the way through to the 100 mile ultramarathons, is dedicated to providing you with the best support and guidance to help you achieve your running goals. We are passionate about running and want to share our expertise with you so that you can enjoy the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle. Join us today and get ready to run like never before!



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Alice is a run coach with years of experience in the fitness industry. Her career as an athlete spans the complete range of distances, from winning 100 mile ultramarathons through to most recently claiming the British Master's 400 metre sprint title in 2023. Her professional background is triathlon, with an Ironman win and three European medals to her name, but her passion lies with the simplicity of running. She is passionate about helping people achieve their running goals, keeping things simple and streamlined, and is dedicated to providing the best support and guidance. Join the community today and get access to Alice's expertise!

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"I joined Runnable and was blown away with how easy to was to set up and follow. Alice delivers high quality, proven programs that are time-efficient and perfect for busy people. My performance increased within 2 weeks."


                                                                                             Sam B

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